Commercial Fishermen

    Are you a commercial fisher? Look no further. Our family ties include Commercial Fishing of Lake Winnipeg back to the 1940’s. If you need emergency service during the fishing season. We will work with you to get you up and running as quickly as possible. We have a unique understanding of your needs, the environment you work in and the equipment you need to make you successful.

    Contact us today to start a rotating schedule of maintenance that is tailored to your fishing schedule and budget. We can also help you fill out your CEDF applications and get them sent off for the processing and approval process.  Our certified technicians are expertly trained to service and protect your boat. Annual service is key to keeping your boat ready to go when you are. Our service team is ready to winterize your boat as well as complete spring recommissioning when the weather warms. Regular service is just as important to keep your boat in top shape. Call now to schedule a drop off.

    CEDF Application Form

    Need a Propeller?

    Come see us!

    For those days when your boat “finds a rock” we stock propellers for all makes, models and horsepower of motors – come here for the best price and we install the prop while you wait for no charge!

    In Stock Propellers